A Table of Honor
In December 2024, you joined us in honoring the empty seats at our tables in tribute to the loved ones whose legacies still fill our hearts. These are the names of your loved ones.
John Alexion
Barbara Ann Amorris
Joyce E. Amos
Donald Anderson Jr.
Eric Andress
Twila Michael-Andrews
Edith Armel
Emma Lou Artz
Robert M. Artz
Florence G. Baer
Beulah Zonette Ball
Bessie Bartley
Beth Bascom
Carolyn S. Baylis
James R. Berdis
Gene Betit
Dona Birnesser
Douglas C. Bradley
Donald Bowers
June Bowman
Richard Bragg
Susan Breen
Lucy Bremer
Randy Bremer
Lilly Wilson Bryant
Sherry Cain
Steven Cain
Marjorie Caldwell
Ernie Cambell
Earnest Campbell, II
Ernie Campbell
Paul S. Carper, Jr
Rebecca Cather
Shirley F. Carter
Andy Chapman
Sue Chewning
Robert Childress, Sr.
Jack Clark
Russell Clay
Ronnie Clowser
George Coates
James Compton
John Conoboy
Patrick K. Corrigan
Mary Coughlin
Maurita Coughlin
William Coughlin
Robert Coverstone
Virginia Creel
Mary Crim
Kathleen Curtis
F.H. (Billy) Dillon, Jr.
Richard Dodd
Charles Dunn Sr.
Madeline Dunn
Aubree Lee Dyer
Oliver Easterwood
Lewis Ebert
Joan Elliott
Lewis Ewing
Melissa Farrar
Helen Farrell
Frederick A. Fout
Oliver N. Frye, Jr.
Helen Conner Funkhouser
Terry Funkhouser
Garth R. Ganow
Nora Garber
Lucy Garman
Harry Geiman
Wanda Geiman
Patricia E. Greeff
James Green
Roger Green
Noel Grove
Sara M. Grove
Suzanne S. Grubb
Mickey Harden
Patsy W. Hassert
Patsy Haslett
Patricia Hockman
Gail Noreen Holder
Florence Holler
Jennifer Holliday
Mary Ellen Hoover
Stan Hoover
Joyce Van Horn
Betty Lou Houde
Greg Huson
Eileen Humphrey
Linda Huxta
Hugo Jelinek
Hope Jenkins
Hope Jenkins
Murphy Jenkins
Clarence Jennings
Louise Johnson
Robert Johnson
Barbara Lee Jones
Derek Jones
Virginia W. Jones
Josh Keller
Ralph Kelley
Robert Kemp
Shirley Kennedy
William Kennedy, DDS
James Kibler
Anthony Kleinhans
Arthur Knies
Connie Kosmann
Bernice Krauze
June LaFollette
Sally Lahn
Earmon Leo Lam
Delbert Lambert
Anna Lofton Larrick
Sharon Lawrence
Wendell Jackson Lawson
John C. “Jake” Lay
Stephen Lewett
John LeVan
Monford Loar
David C. Lowery
Mindy Loy
James N. MacDonald
Kathy Marino
Margaret Marlowe
Kenneth Martin
Wayne McCaughey
John Joseph McCraken
Victoria “Bee Bee” McDaniel
Mick & Barb McKee
Mary Carolynn McLoughlin
Drema McMinn
Mike McMinn
Eileen McNeal
Carol McPearson
Marino de Medici
Jack Melnikoff
Connie Miller
Mildred S. Mills
Garnett Milton
Arthur Morgan
Mary Lou Mulvey
Richard V. Myer
Dorothy Myers
Joel Allan Neff
Lydia Neff
Virginia Newman
William Newman, DDS
Elizabeth (Betsy) North
Barbara Opicka
Charles Orndorff, Sr.
Robert Orndorff
Winfred W. Ortts
Everett Owens
Vernice Owens
Janet Palutke
Juanita Peacemaker
Rita Phelps
Carol Pleacher
Miriam B. Pratt
Johnetta S. Pruitt
McLean Pumphrey
Barbara Quinnelly
Charles Quinnelly
Oley Racey
Arthur Rauhaus
Grant Rauhaus
Mabelle Rauhaus
Shirley Rauhaus
Richard Raul
Robert P. Repella
James Rhodes
Kathi Ribaudo
Joseph Richards
Michael Ricketts
Mary Lou Rissler
Martha C. Robinson
Donald Royston
Stephanie Ryzowicz
Walter Ryzowicz
Peter & Margaret Sabau
Andrea Sabet
John Sabotka
Donald Sager
Elizabeth Sargent
Herbert Sargent
John Schutta
Cynthia Sencindiver
Rosalene Sencindiver
Katherine Sexton
Thomas Shade
Richard F. Shimer
Mildred Shomaker
Francis Simmons
Dorse S.Sites
Carl Smith
Charlotte Ann Smith
Dorothy Smith
Howard Smith
Janet C. Smith
Lowell Smith
Martha Smith
Bayfield Smoak
Irene Smoak
Connie Smoke
Holmes Smoke
Clayton Smoot
Donna Sours
Joseph Stambaugh
William C. Staples
Robert Strickler
Nancy Stickley
Ruby B. Stotler
Robert Sudduth
Guido J. Surian
Nancy Swain
Margeret Ellen Swick
L. Paul Tederick
Charles Tinsman
Judith S. Tollett
Judy Tollett
Trueman Trimble
Virginia Trimble
Megan Fiso Triplett
Patsy Ann Trovato
Barbara Jean Turner
Carl Turner Jr.
Joyce Van Horn
Brian Verburg
Betty Walden
Wayne S. Warfield, Sr.
Ken Watts
Hartzel Waugh
Philip Weber Jr.
Brian Wells
Dick Widell
Judy Wildman
Mildred Wilkerson
Woodrow Wilkerson
Larry F. Wilkins
Dorothy Williams
Ruth Williams
Jess Wineking
Craig Wolff
Dr. Leonard Yang
Faye Zidek