Annual reports
We are excited to share our 2021 Annual Report with you. Flip through the pages of our report below, and read Q&As with our President & CEO Cheryl Hamilton Fried, our new Board Chair George Caley, clinical leaders Jennifer Martin and Dr. Brendan Flynn, and more. Read about how our music therapists build a connection with patients through music and how our participation in the We Honor Veterans program helps us honor our veteran patients one last time. Learn more about how you can help support our mission, and why your generous support is so critical to our work.
Annual Report – 2021
2020 was a year of re-imagining – a year of learning to adapt to change, a year of learning how to meet the needs of our associates, our patients, and their loved ones in new ways. A year of discovering depths within ourselves and within our connections that we could apply to our mission to ensure that we continued to provide the highest quality of care.
Annual Report – 2020
Community benefit reports
At Blue Ridge Hospice, we go the extra mile.
Medicare sets certain standards of care that every hospice provider—regardless of size, regardless of not-for-profit or for-profit status—must meet to receive funding. For some hospice providers in Virginia those minimum standards of care are also their maximum. But at Blue Ridge Hospice, we always go above and beyond because the care about our patients and families before anything else.

Blue Ridge Hospice benefits from the generous support of the communities we’re privileged to serve.
And we’re proud that we, in turn, have been able to benefit the communities that have supported us throughout our 40 years of community service. Not just through the end-of-life care and grief support we provide — which is a given. But also through the positive impact Blue Ridge Hospice has in terms of contributing to the health of the local economy, providing quality and rewarding jobs, bettering the quality of life for all, and helping keep our environment a little greener.
Community Benefits Report – 2021