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Showing Category: Grief Support

This Father’s Day

To anyone grieving the loss of their father this Father’s Day: If this is your first Father’s Day without your dad, our hearts go out to you. Perhaps you want to pretend this day is just another day or perhaps you want to lean into your emotions. Both are allowed. If your father has been gone for years, this day may still come with a sting. It may also come with a smile. One thing [...]

Curiosity Versus Criticism

The question, “Why did I do that?” can be asked in so many different ways – with embarrassment, anger, guilt. I often talk with grieving people about approaching their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors with curiosity rather than criticism. Imagine approaching your emotional responses without judgment, but with a genuine sense of wonder and a desire to understand yourself better. “I wonder why I’m angry so often.” “I wonder why I feel so anxious at night.” [...]

Making Memories at the End of Life

For some, watching a loved one’s health decline feels like a waiting game. But spending the end of life with a special person can be both very painful and immensely meaningful. What can I do with my loved one to share and make memories at the end of life? Engage in life review – interview your loved one, perhaps even recording the interviews on video. It may be especially meaningful to have a child ask [...]

Five Wishes Overview with Christina Thomas, Grief Counselor

Five wishes is a legal document in the state of Virginia that allows you to do the following: Name the person that you want to make medical decisions for you when you are unable to make them for yourself. This person will legally be your medical decision maker. Specify the type of medical care you want. This will help your legal decision maker know what you want in the event you can't speak for yourself. [...]

Grief and Loss During COVID-19

Coping during a pandemic can feel isolating, scary, and confusing. Christina, one of our Grief Counselors, shows us we are not alone and offers comforting thoughts on how to deal with these feelings. Blue Ridge Hospice Grief and Loss Support staff continue to provide grief counseling via phone or video conferencing. Please call our message line to schedule an appointment at (540)-313-9214 if you need to talk with someone.

Surviving the Holidays After Losing a Loved One

When a loved one dies and condolence visits from family and friends have dwindled, often the bereaved are left trying to piece their lives back together. For those grieving the loss of a loved one, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. Blue Ridge Hospice’s Grief Support Staff is offering workshops in Winchester and Front Royal throughout November designed to help individuals and families prepare for a holiday season without their loved one. All [...]

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