Attending physician at Methodist Medical Center, Peoria, Illinois – Now Unity Point Health from 1993-2000 – also served as Chairman and Medical Director of the Emergency Department as well as the contract holder for emergency services. I did part-time moonlighting during this time at regional medical center emergency departments in Illinois including in Princeton, Decatur and Urbana in order to assess these health systems and to network with other emergency physicians. I moved to Winchester in 2000 after interviewing at multiple sites in the Midwest and East Coast. Winchester offered the best in medical practice and community attributes of all the choices. I have been a staff physician at Winchester Medical Center as a member of Winchester Emergency Physicians. 4 years ago I branched out into Observation Medicine and Advanced Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine as well and am still working in these latter 2 arenas.
As an emergency physician I have encountered many patients at the end of their lives. As time has passed, I have witnessed greater awareness by health professionals and the general public of the need for planning and expertise with end-of-life and palliative care. I have always respected the physical, emotional and spiritual care administered by Blue Ridge Hospice staff in the care of my emergency patients and, on a personal basis, in the care of my father-in-law.
Educational History: University of Illinois College of Medicine, graduated in 1980, Completed residency in Family Medicine in 1983, Board-certified in Family Medicine the same year, Qualified for practice track in Emergency Medicine and granted Board-certified status in Emergency Medicine by ABEM (American Board of Emergency Medicine) in 1992, re-certified in 2002 and 2012. Certified in Advanced Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine in 2016. I qualified as a Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians in 2002 based on professional and community work in Family Violence Prevention and Intervention on the Illinois State and local levels, Sickle Cell Anemia and other social projects.